Thoughts 42 Day

Electric Cars: To Buy or not to Buy

The big lie is that these cars are "Zero Emissions". Electric cars cause more CO2 emissions than the average automobile, powered by gasoline. CO2 is created during the manufacturing process, and electric cars are responsible for more CO2 caused by the manufacturing process, than fuel, or hybrid vehicles. The aquisition of the precious metals needed to make these batteries, creates enough CO2 emissions that the vehicle has to be driven around 150,000 miles, just to bring it's CO2 emissions down to that of a similar fuel powered vehicle. This does not account for all the electricity they use, which is generated burning coal and petroleum. Add to that, electric cars can only drive for about 1.5 hours or, a maximum of about 125 miles, before they require a re-charge. The average petroleum powered vehicle will go for 300 - 400 miles. If you were to add a fuel vapor device to that vehicle, it can get upwards of 100 mile PER GALLON! That would result in further reduced emissions but, let's not get side tracked, yet.

If you were to build a "Zero Emissions" car with a battery capable of 300 - 400 miles, it would increase the CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process. Under these circumstances, the CO2 generated throughout the life of the electric vehicle, would far exceed those caused by a gas powered car, over it’s lifetime. It wouldn't even be close. China, India, and Russia know this, and they aren't making any serious efforts to reduce their CO2 emissions. Our country only generates a fraction of the CO2 that any one of their nations does. If we truly became a “Zero Emissions” nation, it would barely make a difference. So, currently the electric automobile is not an environmentally responsible solution.

Hybrid cars, are a different story. They use much smaller batteries than the average electric car so, their build process generates a much smaller CO2 footprint. They will noticeably improve your miles per gallon and will drive for around 300 miles, before a fill up. Finally , they eliminate re-charging, because the vehicles fuel operated engine re-charges the battery. The result is even further reduced CO2 emissions, by eliminating the need for electricity generated by coal and petroleum.

The best solution is a vehicle powered by fuel vapor. Unfortunately these vehicles have been ignored and/or demonized, by mainstream media, and the oil companies. In doing so, fuel vapor powered vehicles have been reduced to mere urban legends. I can assure you, they are not. I have personally driven one of these "fabled" vehicles, in 1983. Why haven't you heard about them? Because they are a "disruptive technology" which would upset the balance of power, across the globe. I have seen a number of videos about fuel vaporizors, on Youtube. They were almost all made by idiots, or fakers. There is one exception to this. I found one video, that had the right idea. I would have to see it in action, to know if it was legitimate but, their premise is correct. I would like to see people start making them. If I'd had a garage, I would have made one long ago.

If you want to try and make one, here are two suggestions. One: advance the engine's timing. If the fuel ignites, before the piston reaches "top dead center", it will shatter the piston rod. Fuel vapor is much more volatile than gasoline, or atomized fuel. That being said, it will ignite quicker. Suggestion Two: do not attempt to do this with a fuel injected engine. Tinker with a carbuerated engine. You can replace the carbuerator, with your fuel vapor unit and attach it directly to your intake manifold. Have fun and don't get yourself killed. This article is for informational and educational purposes only.

 PREVIEW: Transhumanism & the Robot Revolution

Hi everybody,

I wanted to share something with you and give you a little preview of our next series: Transhumanism and the Robot Revolution. There is so much going on with genetics these days, it will make your head spin. The trail leading to the truth is very long and comprehensive. How this ties into Transhumanism is startling, and with proper perspective it's pursuit is downright chilling.

The thing about technology isn't what it can be used for, it's how it can be used against you. I love technology. I've been enamored with it ever since I was a teenager. It took a long time before I realized the downside of tech. Tech itself is not the problem. The problem is the people who are advocating it. If you want to understand the dynamics, do this: Watch the 2003 film "The Hulk". Don't get caught up in the production values, just look at the "fictional" science used to set up the story, and the political intrigue behind the project funding. It's right there. At the time it seemed impossible but, that kind of technology is here today. That kind of "funding" and intrigue has been in our nation, ever since we ran the British out of here.

I also want you to look up a video too. Go to Youtube and look up: Boston Dynamics Robots Can't be Faked - VFX Artists Explain Why by Corridor Crew. These guys are some of the top VFX (Visual Effects) Artists out there. Corridor Crew reviews a video of the robots made by Boston Dynamics. They point out and discuss all the things that can't be faked, using VFX shots as comparisons. Robots today are way more advanced than we ever thought we would see and they are advancing at an alarming rate. Crazy stuff people! Hang in there and we will get back on track soon. I'm current'ly fighting a yucky cold. Ss the program's host and producer, that kinda sets us back a little. Keep us in your prayers and we will see you next time. God bless you!



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